Agustín Mario Trevisiol
External Consultant
Lawyer (UNLP, 2008). Master’s in business law (Austral University, 2011). Specialist in Tax Law (ECAE, 2018). Master’s in international taxation (Melbourne, 2019).
Consultant at Global VAT Compliance B.V., a company located in The Hague, The Netherlands, and based in that country. Specialist in issues related to the digital economy: sales through Marketplace and provision of digital services. Dedicated to international tax planning, tax advice in the development of transnational transactions and operations, and management of relations with tax authorities of more than 60 countries in the world, in the 5 continents.
Author of several academic contributions in the field of Corporate Law and Tax Law. Columnist of tax opinion in the newspaper El Día. Founding member and first president of the La Plata School of Tax Law.
Previously he worked as a lawyer (Buenos Aires Province, Buenos Aires City and federal courts), tax advisor to the Executive Director of the Revenue Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (ARBA), rapporteur in said agency, and assistant rapporteur in the Tax Court of Appeals of the Province of Buenos Aires (TFABA).